
Steward Energy

Novataris has delivered a data and analytics platform

Data & Analytics Platform Based on Power BI

Novataris has delivered a data platform and applications to help support and digitalise Steward Energy's business processes.

Data platform

Master data application

Power BI


Novataris designed and built a data platform that gathers data from IHS FieldDirect (operations), Frac sheets, P2 Bolo (finance), Type curves, Surveys and Forecast data.

The data platform is organised as a data hub where sources are tied together through wells, dates, property and more. The platform provides users easy access to navigate and explore data, see patterns and trends across data sources.

Novataris also built a master data application for Steward Energy to manage core data about their business and increase overall quality of data about wells. This provided a means to register valuable data such as e.g. API, locations and lateral length which is not always accurately or consistently captured in other source systems.

Novataris developed a data analytics solution using Power BI to provide interactive dashboards that provided the ability for Steward to gain a quick overview of all operations and quickly “drill down” to individual details of a single well (e.g. GOR, PIP, BOPD) and compare two wells against each other.

Finally, Novataris and Steward Energy, in collaboration, designed a land planning application using data automatically integrated from iLandman and the drilling schedule to combine and create an application that, in real-time, can provide an overview of leases that will expire, calculate mineral interest loss of acres on individual contracts. Steward Energy can make schedule changes on the fly and see the consequences in terms of lease obligations immediately. The application contains a complex rules engine to handle lease obligations and can even handle continuous drilling clauses (CDCs).

About Steward Energy:

Founded in 2012, Steward Energy is an independent exploration and production company engaged in the exploration, development, and acquisition of oil and gas properties located in the Permian Basin. The headquarters of Steward Energy are based in Frisco, Texas, and the company is currently holdning over 100,000 acres in Texas and New Mexico.

Steward Energy develops oil and natural gas reserves with a commitment to the Principles of Stewardship. These principles include responsibly and effectively utilising all talents, assets, and resources entrusted to the company.


Steward Energy has experienced rapid growth in their operations and have been struggling to keep up with renewing IT systems and solutions to take advantage of digital process automations and build a solid data strategy for collecting and analysing all their valuable data.


Novataris has built solutions for Steward Energy and been their trusted IT partner for more than a year now and continue to strengthen the relationship, helping to solve complex problems in land, engineering, finance and geology. Novataris has developed a data platform and applications to help support and digitalise business processes to increase efficiency and drive better decisions.


Steward Energy now has a central data platform that collects data across the organisation for easy access to analysis and for reporting.

A master data application helped support very high data quality and consistency, and intuitive, interactive dashboards provide a quick overview and easy access to specific details for troubleshooting.

Finally, Steward Energy is now able to explore obligations and drilling schedule changes in real time with their new land application, even applying CDCs to automatically calculate effective expiration dates.

“Having an IT partner like Novataris that we can trust and who understands our domain has truly been priceless.”

Lance Taylor, Chief Executive Officer

“I am constantly impressed by their ability to deliver at that time and speed. They have definitely added value to our business.”

Scott Stedman, SVP - Acquisition & Divestitures


It is now easy for Steward Energy to analyse data and see patterns across data sources

Steward Energy is now able to gain an overview of all operations

Steward Energy now has easy access to individual details for troubleshooting