

Novataris has delivered a modern and user-friendly self-service platform to CBB

Self-Service Platform Based on Optimizely

CBB's self-service portal sets the new digital standard in Denmark

Self-service portal

User-optimised experience

Agile development


Novataris has delivered a modern and user-friendly self-service platform to CBB; an online mobile and broadband operator with the goal to provide easy-to-understand communication products. The new solution is built on Episerver and ensures an easy and transparent experience for any customer– no matter whether the solution is accessed from mobile, tablet or desktop.

Novataris established an agile team working in close collaboration with CBB’s different departments, and the self-service portal was delivered within the deadline of 6 months. A constant focus on having a flexible scope, continuous process-improvement and prioritising of tasks all contributed to ensure that the project progressed quickly with bi-weekly deliveries.

CBB’s new customer self-service portal provides a range of benefits for their business:

• The user-optimised experience leaves CBB’s customers with the feeling of security and full control necessary to satisfy an audience with high expectations to fluent information and constant accessible data.

• The solution is completely aligned with and customers now experience one coherent CBB, which is far more intuitive and fast than the old platform. Page change now happens extremely quickly and load of each page takes less than a second.

• CBB now utilises their resources way better. The customer service department receives far fewer calls from customers that experience basic problems and CBB can instead spend their time and expert-knowledge solving complex problems that the customers cannot solve themselves.

• The new solution, built on Episerver, provides CBB with a high level of flexibility. They can now quickly respond to changes in the market and always provide the newest, innovative products and best services to their customers.

About CBB:

CBB is an online mobile and broadband operator with Denmark’s most loyal customers. The company is passionate about making it easy for everyone to have a mobile subscription and mobile broadband.

Committed to provide their customers the best possible service and experience, offline as well as online, they want to stay one step ahead in the digital world. Therefore, CBB needed a new flexible self-service solution which is fast and easy to use – for customers and for CBB.


The old platform was slow and difficult to navigate for customers.

CBB wanted a completely new solution, launched within 6 months.

The new solution should be built with deep consideration to navigation and content.


CBB now has a user-optimised, intuitive and extremely fast self-service solution.

Customers have easy insight and complete overview of their status and subscriptions.


Customers are more satisfied - They can solve problems themselves and are left with a feeling of security and full control.

CBB utilises their resources better - The customer service department receives far fewer calls from customers that experience basic problems.

CBB Needed a New, Flexible Solution, Built on In-Depth Knowledge About Their Customers' Actual Needs

CBB faced multiple challenges with their old online self-service solution, which was slow and difficult for their customers to navigate due to an overload of content. This affected CBB’s performance in sales and service. Customers often needed to call CBB for assistance, despite a willingness to solve the problems on their own. As the old self-service platform was outdated, it did not make sense to continue building on this and CBB needed a completely new solution instead.

CBB wanted their new solution to be launched within 6 months and to be built based on in-depth knowledge about their customers’ actual needs with deep consideration to navigation and content. To comply with the tight deadline, close collaboration across different areas was necessary. This included business, customer service, online, designers, developers, back-end systems and test.

“Novataris has effectively delivered a high-quality self-service portal that enables us to fully meet our high standards for good customer service.”

Christian Hoffmann, CEO


CBB now has a self-service platform that leaves customers with the feeling of security and full control

CBB's new platform is far more intuitive and faster than the old platform

CBB now utilises their resources better than before